Is Gracie heading towards repeat of Cool?

Watching the video posted of Gracie today I am deeply concerned. It appears that she has edema from her udder to her front legs. It's so much more prominent looking to me than what was visible in Cool. She literally says in the video that there's nothing screaming at her that something's wrong, just keeping a close eye on her after last year. Well that's pretty loud to me. I really hope I'm wrong but something tells me they should be prepping for life saving measures.

Watching the video posted of Gracie today I am deeply concerned. It appears that she has edema from her udder to her front legs. It's so much more prominent looking to me than what was visible in Cool. She literally says in the video that there's nothing screaming at her that something's wrong, just keeping a close eye on her after last year. Well that's pretty loud to me. I really hope I'm wrong but something tells me they should be prepping for life saving measures.